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Talking Button Tips: Communication with Your Pet!

Talking Button Tips: Communication with Your Pet!

Have you ever wished you could talk to animals, or at the very least, talk to your own pet? To be able to understand their every word, need and how they are feeling without even needing to guess would be a wonderful thing for pet owners, but it may sound like a far-fetched fantasy. 

It's no secret that dogs are man's best friend, but communicating with our furry friends isn't always easy. We are always in search of ways to strengthen our bond with our pets, and while human technology improves, shouldn't animal technology follow suit? 

Say farewell to fantasy with the Brightkins Talking Pet Starter Set! Brightkins is bringing the dream of communicating with your pet a reality with this immersive button set. Using 4 recordable speech buttons, this set can teach your dog to talk in no time. Better yet, this set includes a step by step guide written by speech therapist and creator of the Talking Dog Movement Christina Hunger! 

How does it work? Record 4 words (one per button) that are training commands you want to work on with your dog, like "food," "play," or "bed." This customizable feature allows you to personally curate your talking buttons for your unique pet's personality and training abilities! 

Customize this talking pet set by choosing your very own commands to record on the four buttons for your perfect pet! Using this exciting new technology, you can take communication with your pet to the next level! 

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